I've been reading about Frida Kahlo recently - I've been fascinated by her paintings for along time, but I've only just found out about her life.
She was Mexican, born in 1907 just before the revolution. She painted many self portraits. She had polio and spina bifida as a child and at the age if 18 was involved in an horrific road accident which left her with multiple injuries. She took up painting whilst in hospital.
If you want to find out any more, or see some of her paintings, have a look at www.tendreams.org/kahlo.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frida_Kahlo.
Hope you like my tribute pieces anyway! The picture is the size of an ATC, the basis was a stamp by Invoke Arts (funky houses). I just got carried away and added more to it!

The face and the wings on the doll were printed onto fabric. The flowers are made of paper.
Oh Linda, these are wonderful, Do you have these or are they from a book. I Love them, Jaqi x
Ive just read this again, have you made these that are amazing, Jaqi x
Hi Linda Beautiful Art and Icicle doll .Is it an ATC or canvas you made? its amazing .I went and had a look at the web site very interesting painting's quiet surreal is that the right word? love from sesga xx
OMG how fab is this girl!! You sure are a dark horse aren't you :D
You just keep popping out these amazing creations you are well and truly putting me to shame. Linda this is truly amazing as soooo beautiful!! I'm so glad I popped back to your blog tonight. Wowwwwweeeee isn't a big enough word to use I am speechless!! (oh well almost...LOL)
i know i keep telling you you are so talented and boy are you... please believe me when i say it ..you amaze me every time i visit your blog one clever lady.
we are going to be learning from you on our craft weekend in September.
you go girl.
chriss x
could i ask you to visit my blog as i have an appeal on it and would love as many people as possible to put a link to it. and if you could do the same when you visit other blogs asking them to visit and put a link if possibl. xx
Oh Linda, These are gorgeous. Im so in love with this kind of art. You are so very talented.
I have Raven and Queen for a day ATCs here for you. Can you send me your addy to sakazoke1963@aol.com
Hi Linda,
These are great! Have you seen the movie, "Frida"? I think you'd love it.
FABULOUS!!!!! Wow Linda you just go from strength to strength. Am wondering if your ATC might possibly have my name on it ......??
Hi Linda, I love your Frida Kahlo pieces. Your icicle doll and Arch are amazing.
I have another blogging friend who loves Frida - in fact she has just returned from visiting Mexico and visiting where Frida lived etc. You should visit her blog, you would find it interesting. Her name is Belinda Schneider (either google the name or the link is on my blog). You will love her art. Also, she is the originator of the Icicle doll and you can see links to her Icicle doll swap. She would absolutely love your Frida icicle!!!!
WOW Linda - your Frida Icicle doll is truly stunning - absolutely beautiful xx Karen
gorgeous work. i love frida.... im up for a swap if you fancy it!
ohhhh wow these are awesome, Judy x
Hi Linda, I've just discovered your blog thanks to the link on the Fiskarettes site - lots of lovely stuff. I especially love the Frida doll - I was lucky enough to go and see the exhibition of her work at the Tate Modern 3 years ago - I was surprised at how small most of the pieces are but the works and her life are both amazing. You wonder if all those things had never happened to her whether she would ever have painted.
Hi Linda!
Are you back from your trip? I owe you a personal email because I received the most lovely package in the mail from you last week. Also, I want to post it on my blog now that you are home. Was your trip wonderful? You are so dear. toos dear. I'm looking forward to catching up. Hugs,
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