My husband recently cut up a load of woodblocks for me in all shapes and I thought it was time I used one of them. This is Flora...a mixed-media piece with pencil, crayon, acrylics, gesso, paper napkins, gold flakes, stamps, treasure wax and upholstery studs.

1. I LOVE flip-flops and have a huge collection of them. I even wear them throughout the winter (but not in the snow).
2. I HATE halloween (and orange with black) - not too sure why, but I do like Gothic images, crosses, Poe, crows etc.
3. I LOVE David Beckham and really don't care what you say about his voice. Its not his voice that I'm interested in (although I do think it has improved).
4. I HATE clowns.....they just make me feel funny and shuddery. Just weird.
5. I LOVE feta cheese. Especially with tomatoes and olives. Preferably in a greek taverna.
6. I HATE pasta. It sits in my mouth and won't go down. So you see....I have tried.
7. I LOVE fairy lights and have them on in my lounge and conservatory every night of the year.
Like dogs......they are for life, not just for Christmas.
I would love it if some of you in my bloglist took on this challenge....go on, I dare you.
Flora is gorgeous! You are getting so brilliant at this! Lots of texture in there as well. Love it!
beautiful!!! so many wonderful details!! and the color...yum...
Oh how I love Flora, she is beautiful!! I love all the texture you put into it. I love it!!!!
That Flora, she's a beauty, Linda! She may be tiny, but she's is lovely.
Flora is so beautiful and it isn't immediately obvious that she is so small - you are so clever. I love the upholstery studs. Congrats on your award, you deserve it.
Flora is gorgeous. I can't believe the texture in such a small piece. WOWOWOWOW!
Congratulations on the award. I won the same one! Haven't done my post yet as I'm trying to decide what to write!
I love your Flora, left some comments on the Suzi site too :) Everything just flows together, and I love the flowers in her hair especially :)
Fun reading your likes and dislikes even though I knew a few of them already, I might have a go at that on my blog :)
Flora she is a real beauty, love it and there are so many fine details in your painting.
Flora is beautiful! I love how she is only small. Love the texture and the studs. When are you going to open an Etsy store? Your work is amazing. I think I read in a previous post that you were thinking of opening one sometime. I'm sure your lovely pieces would walk out the door. But it would probably be hard to part with some of them.
this is really lovely Linda, so soft, beautiful flowers xx
I've been hinting to my hubby to cut me some 2x6x6 pieces... he hasn't picked up on my hints yet. Maybe I better lay on a little charm.
Flora is wonderful! You are such a good artist!
And... yes, hand stitched. I move the piece around under the needle...but I do draw the basic shapes on the fabric first with pencil! At first I could not follow a drawn line... I've been practicing tons!
Have a great weekend.
Flora may be small, but she is oh SO gorgeous! Sweet of your hubbie to support you too! I know he cuts a mean (fab) house in wood :)
I also played along with the MeMe thingie and never do awards and such LOL
as to your
#3 never noticed his 'voice'
#4 ditto
#5 I make a watermelon and feta, with a little fresh chopped mint salad, in fact I'm taking it to a bday celebration tamari. I really turned my nose up at the idea at first, but it really is quite tasty...who knew!
Love your block, tacks are a great topper!!!
Gorgeous Flora in the wood block !!!
LOVE flora, I just can't seem to operate on a small canvas (or block as this is) but you've done it perfectly.
Love the seven things - and I agree, it is SO hard passing on awards - I always want to give them to everyone.
Fora is beautiful! and well done with the whole award thingy! I promise not to pass on anymore! but I loved reading your information list! thanks for sharing!
Wow this is gorgeous.
Really amzing painting again Linda. Love the structure.
congratulations on your award
i find it hard to single out blogs too
altho...i think the idea is to highlight
so people go and visit someone new...
i like that part...
(however i borrow from peoples sidebar all the time when a particular title or name i haven't seen catches my eye)
and flora is gorgeous...i can't believe hardly the impact she has and being so small!
the tacks are a great feature!
So small but so wonderful :) I love coming here to look at your art. Thanks for taking the time to share. x
What a beautiful piece Linda- and she fits in the palm of your hand- couldn't believe it. Truly stunning work!
I love to come and visit, I sooooo love textured mix media art and yours is always so amazing. You let me live vicariously through your blog!!
Oh I'm so happy to hear some one else publicly claim that they hate Halloween and black and orange!!! :) I use to dread it!! Now if we are talking Dias de los Muertos (that's a whole nother thing!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Hi Linda
Love the wood block .
She is stunning ,so delicately painted .
You are so talented painting in such small detail so amazingly .
I love feta cheese too , with beetroot its nice .
Hope you have had a good weekend
love from sesga xx
Fantastic Flora!
We too have a weakness for fairy lights - round the dining room window and sometimes in a tree.
Flora is lovely...and I also hate clowns. I don't know WHO things those hideous faces are humorous, but certainly not I!
Flora is quite a beauty!! I was surprised to see how tiny she is.. how lovely!
I giggled over all of your "loves and hates"... I agree on a lot of them too... especially the clowns!
Have a great day.
It is another gorgeous piece Linda. Love the textures and the colours. They blend beautiufully
I love Flora, and so tiny.
Flora is gorgeous Linda! I am always amazed at how much detail you can get in your smaller works of art. Love the colors you have used. I smiled at your list - I am 100% with you about Halloween (orange and black? ick). I love feta cheese too and love the idea of fairy lights all year round!
Dot xx
P.S Glad the gorgeous Klimt doll Jacky made for you has arrived - yipeee!!
Linda ~ Flora is wonderful, and so dainty you are very clever as there looks so much detail, congratulations on your award too.
I love flips flops very much and would wear them all year round, I also love fairy lights and would love some round my bed head ~ perhaps I might just get some now :) have a fab week ~ Judy xx
Oh, I love, LOVE Flora! Just absolutely beautiful!
Hi, Linda! Lovely chunky ATC. And congratulations on your blog award! :-)
Love your block Flora - wish you were in the block exchange in the in this house and garden yahoo group or are you?
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