My angel book returned from its travels a few days ago - its hard to believe that it has spent time in Wales and Australia! Sesga, Dot and Jacky made such beautiful pages - its very precious to me and I will treasure it. You've seen my pages before (sorry). The cover is at the top...and below are the rest of the pages............
(all pics are clickable)



Back cover.
I hope to make another page before I stitch everything together.
I have been involved in a swap with my lovely friend Patty and received a wonderful surprise in the post this week....lots of gorgeous things......

...including a beautiful arch, an ATC with a very special image......

.......a decorated little sea urchin shell (how sweet!).........and a delightful fabric bookmark.

There was a wonderful smell when I opened the parcel because she also included one of her woven Lavender bundles. A parcel of delights - thank you so much Patty.
I received another surprise birthday present from Dot this week. I had admired her cute little felt 'seedling' from
Squirrel Momma and couldn't believe it when I opened the packet to find this letter from the 'Momma' herself!!

And here he is.....the naughty little Tomi! I love him!! Go and check out
Amy's etsy site - there are lots of cute things to buy including felt seedlings and little owls.

Big hug and huge thanks to
Dot....what an incredibly thoughtful friend you are.
And finally.....if you are still with me...I am celebrating the discovery of a perfume that I actually like!
I have a problem with the majority of modern perfumes - they just make me feel nauseous and give me a headache. Well this one (bought for me by DH for my birthday) is absolutely
gorgeous. Its by
Lollia and its called
wish. It has little gold-leaf bees on the bottle - just beautiful.

I have felt well and truly indulged for the past 2 weeks, which is lovely because yesterday wasn't such a good day - I spent 45 mins in an MRI tunnel listening to Jack Johnson on huge headphones (to drown out the sound of the scanner and hear instructions from the doctor). No offence Jack....but I don't think I'll be listening to your music again for a long while.......
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Linda x
Everyone did such a wonderful job on your fabric book. It is very beautiful and such a lovely book to treasure.
Love all the gifties that you got and wow so wonderful that your dh found a perfume that is perfect for you.
Wow your fabric book is absolutely unique. What an amazing work. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Love them.
Have a happy weekend.
The book is an amazing global collaboration! What a treasure!
I keep trying to touch the screen! everything is so lovely!
WOW I bet you can't stop looking at it! What a treasure.
hat a truly beautiful keepsake you have there.
I hope you are well I don't know who Jack Johnson is but I know what an MRI tunnel is and I wouldn't like t see the inside.
Oh my goodness, where to start, I have been drooling over all this beautiful art work, just look at the gorgeous texture of the pages and the stitching and beads, it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What a treasure :)
Your gifts from Patty are gorgeous too, I just love her work, and all the little goodies are fun, although I have for some odd reason become allergic to lavender, which has always been a special plant to me :(
I am like you , have also become very sensitive to perfumes, and yes, they make me nauseous, yet I used to wear the strongest musky scents when I was young. Gag.... now. What a shame, but so happy you found one you like and what a gorgeous bottle too :)
Hope I didn't miss anything, glad I dropped by this morning, I see I have been missing a lot.
Ooooooooh yes, sorry you had to stay in that MRI tunnel, I don't remember you mentioning going for that, hope all is ok.
Your fabric book is stunning - such beautiful colours and gorgeous textures. I love the look of all your goodies and the perfume bottle is lovely, even empty. Hope the scan results are helpful - it sounds like a scarey experience.
It has been Amazing doing this Swap ,....what treasures we have to show for it .
Perfume looks lovely very pretty bottle.
I hope you are okay!!
I have herd them scans are awful to go through .I'm worried about you now !
Sending you a big hug from sesga xxxx
Oh your traveling angel book must be so wonderful to hold and enjoy Linda, truly a treasure!
Dot's lil Tomi is so cute, almost looks like a butterfly wing on his head.
You are most welcome Linda! How lovely you make the things I sent look, I meant to tell you the little shell on top of the sea urchin is called a kitten's paw, also from Sanibel Island
What fine taste your hubbie has, the packaging alone is a winner!
So sorry about your JJohnson date, normally he's a fun guy! Happy for you that the MRI is over and done with!
MRI's aren't queitly done...sure hope your trip through ends beneficial
gorgeous book!!! the pages are rich with texture and color...
a real sensual delight...
which brings us to perfume...another delight for the senses entirely
and as you mention not so delightful too
lovely bottle to house your new scent..
Your little book is a treasure indeed, and I would love to see it up close to admire each and every detail. Sorry you had to have an MRI...hope all is OK? They're not my idea of fun! Big hugs. Enjoy your new perfume.
I'm just the same about perfumes lately - it must be our "interesting" age?? Like Lynn I seem to have a problem with Lavender in particular. I saw your fabric book before you sent it off and couldn't imagine anyone doing justice to those beautiful covers, but they have! What a treasure to keep.
Hello Linda,
I´m Helga from Germany. My english is bad.
I´m in the Yahoo-Group "Fibre-Fever" from Ati-Norway and 14 other women from the world. We swapped pages, too. My theme is
"Angel among us", hi, hi, hi...
Your pages are wonderful, my pages are diffrently, but wonderful, too.
I think, it is a treasur.
I'm so glad your weedling arrived safely and you're happy with him!
(Also glad to see that he hasn't bitten you yet!)
Linda this is an incredible work of art and keepsake. I loved looking at every page.
Hi Linda, I hope you are okay. Having an MRI doesn't sound like much fun. Hope you get good results. The angel book is gorgeous. Also I love the gifts you got and the perfume bottle looks lovely. I wish computers had scratch and smell so we could know what it smells like. Have a good week.
Ahh your weedling is so cute! Isnt Dot gorgeous...I received a little weedling in the post too from her...made my otherwise dreary day much, much brighter.
Your pages for the fabric book are wonderful...great photos.
Good luck with the MRI, thinking of you.
Jacky xox
A note to 'Mackenzie10'......I can't accesss your blog or send you a reply but I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comment!
Hello lovely Linda
What a beautiful post! Lovely to see the pages in your angel book again. I loved creating for you and seeing the work that Sesga and Jacky did too. It was a great round robin.
Great swap from Patty too - isn't art mail the best?
So pleased that little Tomi made his way to you OK. Couldn't resist sending you a ' weedling'! Thank you for saying such nice things about me. It is a pleasure to give to you my friendxx.
Like the look of the perfume Brian bought for you. Pity I can't smell it through the computer screen :)
I received your beautiful birthday card yesterday - was very touched by your words. And the housewarming card you made for me and the kitties made me smile. Love those teeny pics of the kitties - and of me heee. You are a sweetheart.
Much love
Dot xx
P.S I am making another page for my book too!
The fabric book is so beautiful. Looks like you had a good birthday, hope the scan results were favourable.
Hello People, just passing by read this interesting post its great to see that every thing here is getting more lively...thanks a lot for these.. keep them coming....
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What a fabulous treat to find in your postbox!! Love all those pages, especially the ones with Kaffe Fasset fabric on them!
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