Over at
Saturday's Workout the challenge is to make a chunky ATC.....and as I have a drawerful of these (thanks to DH) I thought I ought to take up the challenge! I used a sketch of mine from
here and added some colour using pencil crayons, acrylic paints, torn paper, lace, paper napkins, heavy gesso, gold pen and some embellishments.

I had another wonderful surprise in the post a couple of days ago. My lovely friend
Jacky in Australia told me she would send a bookmark for my fabric book (to go with the page she made) - but I wasn't expecting one of her gorgeous Klimt Dolls as well (in all my favourite colours!)

She is so beautiful! And I love the way Jacky has shaped the base and weighted it with rice (I think) so she stands up perfectly on her own. Just perfect!

And that wasn't all.....she included the prettiest bundle of fabric, lace and beads which I haven't yet undone. I just love looking at it all together like that. Thank you Jacky.....I am so grateful.
I discovered an Etsy site last week called
Lillalotta - where Anna sells beautiful printed cotton tapes with words and pictures on them. I ordered these, plus a pretty alphabet. Can't wait to get them!

My next project will involve painting faces on clay.....I've subscribed to
Jane DesRosier's doll workshop. I've been wanting to have a go at this for ages, but I didn't think I'd be able to do the faces. Well now I think I'm ready for a go.......

......so watch this space!
Wow Linda your work is just perfect. Brilliant and unique Chunky. I love this one.
Thanks Linda for your Chunky to SaWo.
Your dolls will be beautiful and your chunky ATC is a little work of art. I love all your goodies and am sure you will put them to good use. The little doll and the bookmark are gorgeous.
OMG Linda, I love love love this chunky atc, I don't know how you drew her that small but it is a beautiful block all around :)
Beautiful gifties from Jackie too, what a lovely friend, that doll is amazing!
Oh almost forgot, I think you have the confidence now to paint on clay, you draw so well, just have the natural talent for it, and I can't wait to see what you learn :)
beautiful chunky, linda, well done!! i can't wait to see your dolls!!
Love your Chunky ATC & also gorgeous gift receive.
Linda, your chunky atc is gorgeous and lucky you the beautiful Klimt doll went to live at your house!!! I saw it on Jacky's site!
beautiful gifts!!
the chunky ATC is gorgeous...
Hi Linda, the chunky ATC is lovely. I also love the Klimt Doll - lucky you getting such special surprises. I've registered for the Cloth and Clay Doll Workshop too. I've started the doll. I'm up to doing the first clay part. I love how these dolls look. I can't wait to finish. Looking forward to seeing your doll.
Hi Linda, LOVE your chunky, the colours and textures are beautiful!!
Linda your chunky is wonderful...you are so clever with all of the beautiful detail.
I feel so guilty, I signed up for a cloth/clay doll class months ago and still havent finished one!!! I MUST get into it as I do LOVE them. Jane's dolls are wonderful! I cant wait to see what you make.
So pleased your package arrived and your Klimt Doll is happily in its new home.
Jacky xox
Wow your chunky ATC is amazing. Wonderful work. Anesha
Linda, thank you for visiting and leaving a kind comment on my blog! I enjoyed looking at your beautiful work here! Your work is outstanding.
I've just popped back to thank you for the comment you left on my blog Linda. I've never been called a goddess before - it might go to my head!
I just love your chunky ATC! You do such a beautiful job with your faces, and it really makes the piece have such feeling!
The Klimt doll is gorgeous! What a dear talented friend.
Your Chunky ATC is wonderful. You made a lovely sketch. She is fab.
I'm so impressed at how you've just picked up and done it! You're a natural at faces, and I love the mixed media you incorporate. I've been trying to do more drawing, which is scary, but you have to start somewhere, right? I can't wait to see your doll face, too. I'm excited for you!
I so love your chunky ATC's -such a beautiful way to show off your artwork! The doll is fantastic as well- beautiful talent all around!
Love the subtle colours of your chunky blocks.
WOW what a lovely goodie bag.
How exciting to be venturing into yet another area with the dolls!
What a wonderful world the crafty one is!
I love your art. The handmade dolls are just beautiful and so creative! I'm glad you are able to spend some time doing your art. It is wonderful!
Your chunky girl is just gorgeous, and I can't wait to see what you produce from the doll class! Your gifts are simply stunning too!
fabulous artist trading block (ATB) Linda! what a beauty she is!
Painting on doll faces.....can't wait!
Ooo and such wonderful goodies, the Klimt dolls are fab as is the lovely bookmark!
You seem to make a great job of whatever you do.
I look forward to every project!
Hi Linda,
Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments.
Love your blog design and colours, esp blue with browns...lovely, and wow you are a busy person...love your chunky ATC, what a beautiful expression on her face....yumm...xxx
Beautiful chunky ATC's. Whata good idea that one was!
Gorgeous chunky ATC Linda! Glad you bought yourself some Moo cards too(must get myself some more).
And Jacky's Klimt doll is gorgeous - love the fabric she used.
Your blog is a joy to visit!
Dot x
P.S I am sure you will do a wonderful job on clay dolls too!
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