Monday, 31 March 2014

Friday Finds (on a Monday)......'She wore flowers in her hair'

This is my contribution for Kim Klassen's 'Friday Finds' challenge (sorry I'm a bit late.....wasn't too well on Friday).
I have two 'finds'...a book and a planter.
I've been wanting a head planter for some time and finally spotted one in our local garden centre. I'm intrigued by how the look of it will change as the trailing plant grows and the pansies are replaced with other flowers.
We have a walled garden, which isn't always an advantage, but it is good for attaching things like this on to!

I altered my photo using Kim's textures 'Golden' and 'Magicedges'. I love the magic always amazes me how a black texture can affect an image in the way it does.

The quote is from 'The God of Small Things' by Arundhati Roy (winner of the Booker Prize 1997). 

I love the description of the character Ammu...

'On days like this there was something restless and untamed about her.... she wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in her eyes. She spoke to no-one. She spent hours on the riverbank with her little plastic transistor.....she smoked cigarettes and had midnight swims. She had a delicate chiselled face, black eyebrows angled like seagull's wings, a small straight nose and luminous nutbrown skin. Her shoulders in her sleeveless sari blouse shone as though they had been polished with a high-wax polish.'

I have the book on my Kindle but am only 15% through it. I'll let you know how I get on.
Have any of you read it?

I adore this time of year when every day there are new finds in the garden. I had a quick trip round with my camera this morning whilst the sun was shining. Angel wondered what on earth I was doing crouching on the ground getting that low-angled shot.
I treated myself to a Nikon camera a few weeks ago; there's so much to learn!! I'm still trying to get to grips with the aperture setting...... love those soft, blurry backgrounds :-)

Thank goodness for the warmer days and the beauty of Springtime; they lift my spirits when I'm feeling down. When we do meditation (in my yoga class) we sometimes have to imagine a favourite, soothing place......I always think of my garden.
Still searching for a diagnosis for my health problem .....I'm paying for a series of ultrasound scans later this week. 

Back tomorrow with Texture Tuesday and a recipe..... 


Heather said...

Beautiful springtime images Linda - your garden is lovely and must give you lots of pleasure. Love the head planter - she will change as the seasons change.
Do hope you find a solution to your health problems soon. It is so demoralising to keep feeling poorly when you are doing all you can to feel better.

BumbleVee said...

I'll enjoy your garden Linda........ here, it snowed yesterday, snowed overnight....and the flakes are falling again this so many downy feathers...... thank goodness it is light and fluffy ... easy enough to shovel......seeing as we live on a corner lot and have all the city sidewalk to shovel as well as a huge front sidewalk, porch and the backyard double drive garage... sigh... not a speck of greenery around me yet......... okay...better get my butt out there to shovel and try to fire up the car is also -12C .... and I need it for a dental appointment later in the day... either that , or take buses and trains to town.....

Jan said...

Beautiful beautiful photos, flowers. Love your planter head and the quote you put on there. I haven't read that book so will be curious how you like it. It sounds intriguing. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Jan said...
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~*~Patty S said...

Your hanging face planter is brilliant AND what you've done with her adding perfect words and more!
I will be curious what you think of the book...the writing seems enchanted...
Sure hope you can get to the bottom of what is ailing you my dear friend and get things right ♥...
Gardens are a little piece of heaven aren't they and yours is really splendid with your careful plant selections and design...
I can never see enough of it...
(((hugs))) from sunny blue sky Virginia...

Julie said...

That's some camera, Linda :-) You'll have some fun with that! Your garden is just beautiful and I love your planted head, it's beautiful. I can see it appearing in more pieces of work in the future. I do hope the scans help you sort out what is going on with your health.

Unknown said...

What a lovely post - and so much to it! Love the planter - do show us her summer hairstyle. Your book sounds intriguing - I love writing that paints a picture like that. You and your Nikon are creating beautiful photos - I only use my phone these days - too lazy I guess! And lastly - I do hope you get to the bottom if your health mystery!

Lynn said...

Beautiful post Linda, you are doing really well with your new camera, probably know more than I do already :)
I love your head planter, its perfect for your beautiful garden, and all the beautiful photos of Spring in England. Not even a crocus have I found here yet.
I have been lacking in my photographs lately, probably due to the horrible weather, just doesn't inspire me :)
Take care of yourself darling, I don't understand the health system in England compared to Canada. Having to pay for an ultrasound ? Shocking to me.

Shashi Nayagam said...

What beautiful photos. Your garden is lovely. I hope you are able to sort out your health problems soon.

Emma said...

I have a similar Nikon but it's been usurped by my lightweight point & shoot. Part of me is sad but at least my wrists & hands can hold it; when I picked it up the other day I could not believe the weight of it! Lovely garden pics, I go to a similar place at Yoga altho mine is more imaginary than yours!

The Artful Diva said...

love that planter and your Nikon!

Sylvia said...

Great finds, Linda !
Your garden looks so lovely ... beautiful collage !
Hope you'll find a solution and are feeling better soon ...
Nice week,

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Wonderful quote and I love your plaster head it's going to be so versatile. Thanks for visiting.

Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness

I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season. I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I...