Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Texture Tuesday.....Colour

Kim Klassen's theme this week is colour....not a problem for me ;-)
I like to take colour schemes from nature whenever I can and one of my favourite examples is pistachio nuts; I'm always amazed by the funky colours inside those shells.
Gorgeous, aren't they?
(My own photo above altered in PSE using Kim Klassen's texture 'Phoebe'.)

I love working with shades of purple and green......

My latest needlecase collage (still under construction)

I've been struggling with the usual health problems again for the past fortnight and have decided to see a nutritionist. He's incredibly knowledgeable about the workings of the digestive system, so I am feeling hopeful!
I have lost almost two stone over the past 18 months and am now down to 7st 10lbs, which I really don't want to be, and I'm starting to look scrawny :-(
When you get to my age you need a bit of flesh on your face!
I am excluding carbs from my diet, eating organic food,  keeping a food diary, cooking with coconut oil, using Ecover cleaning products.......if anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them!

Back soon with an update.....


Jenny McB said...

Would never have guessed that they are pistachio shells, cool colors. The texture adds to the photo.

Do you have to eliminate carbs for a health reason? I am just finding that I need to be choosier about what carbs I eat, but to still include them. Lost 18 pounds last year with my fitness pal.

BTW- very nice blog! I need to learn how to do the navigation bar and pictures on the side.

Maggi said...

Great photo. I love pistachios but rarely get to see that gorgeous colour as they seem to slide too quickly out of the shells into my mouth.

I can offer you some of my excess weight, but only if you promise not to give it back :)

Seriously, hope this guy can do something good for you.

Heather said...

Sorry to hear you are still plagued by health problems and do hope that the nutritionist will be able to help you.
Love the colours of the pistachios and your needlecase is scrummy.

Sylvia said...

Lovely colors and a wonderful collage !
Sorry to hear about your health problems, hope that this nutritionist can help you ...
Have a nice week,

Lynn said...

Love your photo Linda, and your collage is looking soooo beautiful :)

Lynn said...

Love your photo Linda, and your collage is looking soooo beautiful :)

Beverly said...

Glorious colors Linda! I adore the needle case collage, and I love needle cases. I've made a couple from felted wool, but need to try the fabrics you've used. Very pretty work.

Heloise said...

Lovely work. Sorry to hear that you are not so well. I gave up on ecover as it has wheat in it. The only carb grain I have is oats, seems safe but not as oatcakes. Sheep milk cheese is very different to cows. Having hope in the nutritionist will be a boost too.

Jackie said...

What beautiful colours and embroidery. I hope the outcome with the nutritionist is positive and you can get to the root of the trouble.

Shashi Nayagam said...

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with your health issues. Hope you find the solution soon.
Your work is exquisite as always

Jan said...

Your art and colors have such a lovely melancholy and yet uplifting quality to them, I love looking at your work. Sometimes I copy your colors. Hope you get to the root of your health issues soon and can conquer the trouble.

Unknown said...

The pistachios have incredible colours! and your needlecase is divine - so much colour and texture.

Amanda said...

Beautiful colours as always! Fingers crossed with the nutritionist, I fully sympathise though I've gone the other way with the weight. Couldn't we meet in the middle???

EarlK said...

Wonderful colors from the pistachios. Great photo.

FredaB said...

Would never have guessed they were pistachio nuts. I must pay more attention nex time I have some.

Your header colours are beautiful.

I hope you start feeling better again.
It is such a downer to not feel right.


Anonymous said...

Lovely work Lnda, the iris shades and mossy greens are spectacular. I picked up a book Grain Brain, by david Perlmutter who is a neurosurgeon and nutritionist. You might find it helpful. Probably can get it from Amazon UK...I have lost about a stone and the key to this diet is high fats, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, some butter and pasture raised meats, poultry. You moght find some really goo info hEre. Also you can go to davidpermutter.com and see what he's talkng about....I am amazed at how i feel sonce I gave up gluten, still havong some sugar and fruit, but dramatic difference....let me know what you think....? xox

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Srry you are feeling poorly hope you start picking up soon.. Love your wonderful work.

~*~Patty S said...

I adore how you look at the world and bring such gorgeous colors and textures to what you create dear Linda ♥

Hoping your nutritionist can get you on a healing path...you did not have any extra weight to lose Missy!

Have you gone the probiotic route at all (JJJ's sister who is a nutritionist says they are not all created equal but can help get balance back in the gut making things run smoothly again)...
Take care and have a lovely weekend

Cynthia Schelzig said...

mmmmm wonderful colors...gorgeous work!

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