Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Texture Tuesday....Pure Beauty

Here's my contribution for Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday ....photo altered in PSE using Kim's textures: 'wonderful magic_stars', 'february magic edges' and 'yesteryear'.
I buy flowers for the house every week and usually go for blues, purples or pinks (never yellow...except for in March when I have jugs of daffodils everywhere). For a change this week I decided to go for white roses and gypsophila .....they look so peaceful; I love them. One of my most popular and re-pinned pins on Pinterest is this photo I took of a flower shop in Harrogate......where they only sell white flowers. The inside of the shop was even more beautiful.
Hah...I've just noticed our reflections in the glass :-D

I'm very fussy about flowers (my husband would groan and say 'I'll vouch for that' if he was reading this ;-) I don't like chrysanthemums or carnations. (And you can imagine what I think of yellow chrysanthemums and carnations....)

Before I go....just a quick peep at my latest project.
I'm making needle cases and books; mixed media collage on hand-made felt.
The felt is only rough cut here and I still have lots of stitching to do......my favourite part :-)
And that's my job for tomorrow! (After I've taken Mum shopping.....)


Unknown said...

Your baby's breath is beautiful! and would I ever love to see a floral shop that sold only white flowers!

Lynn said...

Imabsolutely Love white flowers, I would love to visit that shop. Your photo today is beautiful , love the use of the textures.
I also can't wait to,see your finished needle cases, I have a thing for pincushions and needle cases :)

Maggi said...

Love the processing of the gypsophila and I would certainly like to visit that flower shop. Maybe one day we will get to Harrogate together.

Love your latest project of course and I've been using my needle case today. Have fun shopping.

Odd Moon Designs said...

Very pretty - lovely texture work too! I've never heard of a shop that sells only white flowers!

~*~Patty S said...

First time seeing your white flower shop photo...
AND there you two dears are!!!
Really Lovely!
Your PS photo is so pretty and dreamy and the little stars are a great subtle touch as well...
Your stitching is such a delight oh you of many talents ♥

The Gardencat said...

Lovely delicate picture. The white flowers are pretty but, since I am at present surrounded by snow, and more snow, it is the lovely green that calls to me, right now.

Caterina Giglio said...

Love that you managed a selfie while taking a gorgeous photo.. Missing the color green! Thank you!! XXOO

ShabbyChicShaz said...

What a gorgeous photo, a real gem. Another thing we have in common, I won't allow yellow flowers in the garden or house except the very occasional bunch of daffs. Fabulous flower shop, I'll be sure to visit if I get up that way xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely bits of stitching Linda.....Swoon on that display, ah, you made my afternoon. xox

Jill said...

Lovely subject for your texture treatment Linda. And I always love your flowery stitched pieces..

Heather said...

My husband buys me flowers quite often but unfortunately he likes a bargain so I often get chrysanths and once he even bought those awful dyed ones - Yuk!! Some hefty hints have improved matters and I now get freesias or a mixed bouquet.
Your needle cases are gorgeous and I love your colour schemes.

Sylvia said...

Such a lovely bouquet in white, Linda, beautiful texture work too !
The flower shop looks great, never heard of a shop that only sells white flowers ...
Have a nice week,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful white flowers and texture!

Beverly said...

You have captured my heart today with delicate white flowers, and your needle cases! Both are my weaknesses; and like others, I've never known a place to only sell white flowers, but how refreshing! We do have "White Flower Farm" garden company in the US, but they sell every flower imaginable.

Carmel said...

Beautiful image of such a lovely flower. White flowers are divine. Good job on the editing off all the textures. I like your needle cases and books.

Shashi Nayagam said...

What a beautiful picture. Love your current work in progress it already looks lovely

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

I think I saw that shop when I visited Harrogate from Somerset last September. I'm fussy too they have to be just right, pink, blue and white for me. Thanks for visiting my blog..

Julie said...

Love your Gypsophila and your flower shop photo is great, especially with you and DH captured in the shot. x

Kim Klassen said...

that shop... your photo....
oh my... just so pretty....

beautiful... thank you for sharing with TT.


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