My husband recently cut up a load of woodblocks for me in all shapes and I thought it was time I used one of them. This is Flora...a mixed-media piece with pencil, crayon, acrylics, gesso, paper napkins, gold flakes, stamps, treasure wax and upholstery studs.

1. I LOVE flip-flops and have a huge collection of them. I even wear them throughout the winter (but not in the snow).
2. I HATE halloween (and orange with black) - not too sure why, but I do like Gothic images, crosses, Poe, crows etc.
3. I LOVE David Beckham and really don't care what you say about his voice. Its not his voice that I'm interested in (although I do think it has improved).
4. I HATE clowns.....they just make me feel funny and shuddery. Just weird.
5. I LOVE feta cheese. Especially with tomatoes and olives. Preferably in a greek taverna.
6. I HATE pasta. It sits in my mouth and won't go down. So you see....I have tried.
7. I LOVE fairy lights and have them on in my lounge and conservatory every night of the year.
Like dogs......they are for life, not just for Christmas.
I would love it if some of you in my bloglist took on this challenge....go on, I dare you.