Well, you might be able to guess what one of my resolutions is, now lets see if I can keep to it ;-)
Here goes.....
Maggi sent me a link for the new Strathmore Online workshop with Traci Bautista (its free!) so I decided to take part. Its all about painting, collaging and doodling. Above are some close-ups of my efforts and below you can see the 'before doodling' and 'after doodling' stages.
Great fun to do!
I've ordered some Uni Posca poster paint markers (can't seem to find the Sharpie ones over here) to help with the doodling. I've also ordered some Adirondack Color Washes in bright colours so I can copy Maggi's idea and do some of these on fabric - great for adding stitching and beads later.
Of course I could stitch on these paper ones I suppose.......maybe I'll try that too.
Maggi also told me about TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday) on Sharon B's blog Pintangle. Each week there's a challenge to perfect and use a different embroidery stitch.The first week was fly stitch - which is one of my favourites. I made a piece of felt and just enjoyed stitching onto it for the past couple of evenings...... I can recommend it!
Just one more mention for Maggi ;-)......I wanted to show you the fantastic box she made me for Christmas. Its so beautiful and neat - I am in awe! Sorry the photo doesn't fully show how the threads shimmer.
(There was a beautiful set of hand-made glass coasters I'd admired at The Beetroot Tree inside....so very thoughtful :-)
Can't go without showing you the progress Peachy is making in yoga. Following his amazing spinal twist in my last post, I can now show you his versions of......
....extended Child's Pose
.......and Savasana (Corpse Pose). Bless him.......
Now lets see how that resolution goes.......

oh peachy is just so peachy...you had me laughing with his yoga efforts.
Quick call up the Guru..they will want him at the yoga school.
I love your examples for the Strathmore workshop...beautiful all of them. I am there watching the videos too but as of yet not time to play:(...your friend sent you a gorgeous looking box....lucky you.
I see you even had time to stitch a fly or two...lovely. Happy New Year to you and Peachy the precious one........
Your doodled collages are absolutely gorgeous and I love the fly stitch sample too.
Those paint markers sound good, and your beautiful gift from Maggi is very special.
Peachy is a yoga natural - I just want to pick him up for a cuddle.
Thanks for your lovely comment.
Such gorgeous doodled paper, they are works of art.
I'm doing the Strathnore workshop too Linda and I made a start today printing onto paper and fabric. I'll get them photographed tomorrow and get them blogged. So far I've only done the backgrounds so there's a lot more to do on them. Your 'doodles' are beautiful and very much your own style. I was a bit bothered that the course would lead my down the same route as Traci but I'm trying to follow my own path too.
Maggi's box is gorgeous, lucky girl. x
And Peachey is just too sweet :-)
Your cat is so sweet.
I love your work verry colourfull.
Have a nice week.
Love Annette
Gotta love a puss cat ;)
Doodling is wonderful and yours as usual is fab. Are you sure Peachie isn't human? Good to hear from you. xox Corrine
I'm sorry, you said you couldn't keep up with ME? Must pop over to the Tracy B thing, I'm in a real doodling/scribbling stage myself but I am ruining a few pens trying to draw over oil pastels! Pen first maybe? Great to have you back.
Lovely Asanas from Peachy (!) I'm trying a Zumba class tomorrow! (then I'll be able to relax with yoga afterwards!)
Happy New Year Linda...like your doodling and your yoga cat!
Wishing you a happy and creative 2012 :-) I have just found out about the Strathmore workshops and signed up for Traci Bautista. Hopefully time to make a start in the next day or so
Cor! The boy learns fast!
I just want to pick him up and cuddle him!
Love the doodly collage...those colours again, my favourites.
Sandie xx
Happy New Year Linda! I wonder what your resolution might be??? I just wonder....Hey, I joined that Strathmore class too, been watching the vids and playing around. Fun to see the differences in your before and after pieces. What will you do with them? Love the box Maggi made you, how lovely it is. Nice place to keep something special. I enjoy that Pintangle site too, always some good inspiration for an old stitch like me. Your Peachy and my Charlie could do yoga together! They sure have the moves down.
Loved those Peachy photos, Linda. Happy New Year! Looks like you've been busy. Fun to hear that you're doing TAST too. That should keep us out of trouble, right?
Hi my sweet Linda.
All the best for 2012.
I´ve missed you and your wonderful and inspiring work.
Good to see your newest projects. The pages rock. Love them all.
Hellooooo...lovely to see you blogging again. So good to see what you are working on.
I've been following Sharons blog too. Will try and do the stitch each week, incorporate it into my cloth. Lovely to see what you have done with the fly stitch. I will have to photograph mine too.
That Peachy...I am glad his New Years resolution is to keep fit and what better way than a yoga pose or two each day.
Missed you.
Jacky xox
Ooh, those pages are gorgeous! And beautiful cats too!
Oh my gosh, the backgrounds are gorgeous. After recommending the class to you I now feel I should get something done myself. Love the fly stitch - at least I'm up to date with TAST. What does he look like in that Savasana pose, and looking after some bling at the same time by the looks of it.
Peachy's got me beat on the Spinal Twist...but...hey.... I'm almost as good as he is at the Corpse Pose.... hahaha... my relaxing mode between things....
your traci class papers are so cool! i like how your have turned out!! i have not taken the time to try her lessons yet...but i will...so happy to see you back here in blogland, linda! pet peachy for me...
I love Peachy's poses...aren't cats just the best pets...I don't know what I would do without my Simon who is constantly trying to help me but ends up in trouble....
Your Journal pages are great...I love all the color and texture...I can tell you are enjoying the class.....
Happy New Year Linda! It is so good to see you here again! Your new painting/doodling is fantastic! It looks amazing with all the vibrant colors and layers.
The felt stictching too is so very lovely!
I hope you are well and not having too bad a winter up there in the UK. My friend down in Southampton is doing pretty good with unusually nice weather so far.
Peachy is looking great! Both poses are showing his improvement and agility : )
Have fun with the workshop :)
Peachy will be a grand master yet! Do you have grand masters in joga? Well you know what I mean ;)
xoxo Sioux
You have been busy Linda! Lovely vibrant work as usual.
I wondered whether to join the TAST Challenge this year but didn't in the end. Maybe I will give it a try in my own time. Lovely stitching by the way.
Your work is just beautiful! Very inspiring.
Have a wonderful creative weekend,
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