These are my latest Soul Journal pages, created as a result of 5 days of prompts from
I scanned press studs to form part of the background, then added incidental items I found around me during the 2 days it took to complete the pages .
Then we were asked to consider what we have recently lost and found.
On the leaf we were asked to write 'I am...' statements about ourselves. This was so difficult!! But I really like these pages; they are very personal to me and I enjoyed doing them.

Here are the first stages of my latest Suzi Blu workshop painting. I think I'll call her Marina - unless I can think of something better (can you?)
Since I took the second photo I've painted the background blue - but I'll show you that tomorrow. Please note...I have actually painted arms!!!!!!!
(PS The colour of the dress should be the same in both - just shows you what a difference lighting makes!)
I've had a busy weekend; we had a big family wedding yesterday at a beautiful country house. I can't show any pictures without asking the bride's permision first so instead I'll show one of my gorgeous DD and DH (and you may spot me in the mirror taking the picture!)

Before I go I just want to thank everyone for the amazing response Rosie and I have had to the new challenge blog.
It means such a lot receive all your comments ....... can't wait to see your shrines!!