Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Texture Tuesday......

A day late's my contribution to Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday.
The theme is..... Black and White and Textured  (and a few shades of grey in my case).

I took the original using Hipstagram on my iPad and toned down the colour to almost black and white using Photoshop, then finally added Kim's texture 'Simple' at colour burn blend 76%.
You can see the original photograph in my previous post.

I have very few china, pottery or glass ornaments in my house......but lots of driftwood, pebbles and shells.
Not everyone's cup of tea I guess....but definitely mine ;-)


Heather said...

I love driftwood and hope that the beach near where my daughter and I will be staying shortly, has a good supply! I love this image though the technique involved in achieving it is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Perfect. Driftwood is the best. xox

Maggi said...

That is so lovely. There is something about driftwood and the way that it evokes memories of sun-drenched beaches

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Love anything connected to the sea driftwood in particular love it...

Julie said...

Driftwood is always my cup of tea :-) Lovely treatment of the image x

Lynn said...

Something calming to me about driftwood, I don't know what it is .... Love this shot with the quote 😀

Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness

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