As I said on Tuesday - I've found the Digital workshop quite difficult up to now (because of my own limitations). Photoshop is such a huge program; it must take a very long time to master it! But I'm going to persevere and things are starting to get clearer.......and I'm begining to enjoy it (which is always a good sign!)
Here are my first attempts......and the photo above was our very first exercise. DJ gave us a picture with minor flaws that we were shown how to correct - so this isn't a layered piece.

This one is a result of me playing...and not really knowing what I'm doing! I used one of my paintings (the face) and layered a photo of a clematis from my garden plus a colourful piece of embroidery. Finally I added some leaves using the brush tool.
I may print this onto fabric and embellish it with stitches, beads etc.

Another fumbling experiment! Three photos here; a graveyard angel, blossom from my garden and a picture I took of Port Soller in Majorca. Someone kindly commented that it looks like an angel watching over a city by night.

This is the result of a little tutorial I tried to follow (kindly given by one of the talented students on the course). I lost my way a quarter of the way through but it sort of turned out ok-ish.
Today I am going to sit down and READ! Now I have some knowledge of the way the program works I think I'm going to find it easier to read the lesson notes. We can but hope......
wow, these are wonderful, Linda. Your persevance is clearly paying off if these are the outcome... beautiful! I particularly love the 'balance' of the different images in "the angel", while the colours of the "clematis" picture are simply gorgeous.
Happy reading, today, hun. Sure that now you've had a play with the photoshop, things will make heaps more sense.
love n hugs
I love the colors in the face with clametis. Very bright and cheerful. And the angel one, wow... I so wish I had been able to take this class. I got PS for Christmas in 2008 and still have yet to figure it out.
These are lovely Linda! I have a very limited knowledge of Photoshop too but I think these are very impressive for a beginner - v inspiring! :)
Hi Linda! Wanted to do the class as I love DJ's work, so ethereal, but wasn't asconfident as you! Really appreciate you telling us about what you're doing - my favorite is your flower (magnolia?) & script pic - love the colors of the others, tho.
Warmest, Emma (a recent commenter!)
hableThat's me, above, I've never been anon in my life! As said, I'm new to this! Emma
You are producing some wonderful images Linda. The angel one is outstanding and I love the colours in the clematis one. The only thing wrong with Photoshop is that it can tempt you to spend too much time playing. I even upgraded from CS3 to CS4 just before Christmas, didn't need to but there were some things that were new and useful. (If only I could remember what they are!)
Oh I am so excited for you.I am new to photoshop too and finally started to get the hang of it.Your images are just wonderful!!!Warmest Regards,Cat
looks like you are a natural Linda these are just stunning and when you print them out, they will be gorgeous on fabrics! cannot wait to see them!
Woooooooow these are stunning.
Wonderful digital work.
It sounds dauntingly HARD but well done you for keeping going. I think what you've done here is FAB, especially the one with the angel (for reasons you will understand. Hey maybe you can design the jacket for my book?????????
BLIMEY! ..........and these at the beginning of the course! WOW
I have Paint Shop Pro, have had it for about 3 years now and can JUST ABOUT open it and do minor edits - that's it, despite reading several tutorials on line AND buying a huge book (need weight lifting classes to hold the book let alone READ it!)
Hats off to you.
I love what you've done.
Wow Linda, you have done amazingly! These images are excellent and would be great translated onto fabric. I have PSElements 6 but haven't started using it yet. I wish I'd done this course myself now. Thanks for showing us what you have achieved.
You've made a brilliant start Linda. I love the angel one especially. It's not until you start trying things out, that everything begins to get a bit clearer. Reading is very helpful, but doing is where you really start learning. Looking forward to seeing more.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your comment on mine.
These are great!
Really like the one where you can see the angel :)
This is very nice work.I like your work very much .I am a stamper and not very digital .But it is cool stuff.
best wishes Miek
Beautiful work, fot me it's pure magic all the digital work!
Oh look at you Digital Lady! Wonderful to see the fruits of your labors!!! BY golly or is it George, I think you've got it!
You must be really tickled!!!
Lovely results and you've only just begun!
Have a sweet and peaceful weekend dear Linda!
Absolutely breath taking!!!!!I love to see it printed on fabric.
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