Still practising the needle-felted birds. (Which reminds me I must check my tetanus jabs are up to date.)
Lynn suggested making a nest....but I think I made the wrong size. A snug fit, you could say. I tried making wire feet but couldn't get them right....so this one is sitting on a twig. (I thought I'd better make that clear because my DH took one look at it and said
its feet are at a funny angle. Grrrr....)

The lovely Rini and I have swapped inchies this week. She sent me these gorgeous blue and gold ones which I absolutely love. You can see better photos of them on her wonderful blog
here (my camera just wouldn't get the colour quite right today.....I think it was probably the light).

She also very kindly sent me a dangly charm which she made herself. It has a special fragrant stone in the middle.......which smells wonderful and goes beautifully in my bathroom (which is where Rini suggests putting it - see her blog).

My third gift is a friendship pillow....what a wonderful idea! I shall definitely make some of these in future. Thank you very much Rini; I hope you like the things I have sent you!

This year Halloween was a bit of a non-event in the area where I live....we didn't have one trick or treater! My son and daughter managed to have some fun though..... they went to (separate) parties over the weekend. You can maybe guess who they dressed up as (I spent about an hour drawing tattoos on Liz's back and arms).

I'll be posting the
ABAA Challenge tonight because I'm away for the weekend and won't be able to do it tomorrow. Here's a sneaky preview of one of my pieces. Its just 2" by 2"..........
Hope you'll come and join us!
(PS You don't have to use fabric.)
i could tell right away his "feet" were a branch!
add some fibers around your nest to give it a fluffier larger presence...awesome felting jobs!
Oh wow wow wow wow wow your work is incredible. Absolutely amazing. Wonderful. I love the felting pieces. Great job Linda.
What a feast for the eyes in this post Linda. I love your little birds and those inchies. The bathroom charm and friendship pillow are great ideas and so pretty. Your son and daughter look fantastic in their 'disguises' and I love your piece for the ABAA challenge.
I have just found your blog, fell in love with your beautiful little felt birds and had to tell you how much I admire you and your work!
Lovely to find you today,
Julia xxx
ooo such a lot of fun on your blog! your birdies are so sweet! was your daughter supposed to be amy winehouse? you did a great job on the tattoos...sparkling twinchies, oooo how fun...i'll have a go with that...great idea! hope you have good weekend...
Ohhhhhh I love the bird in the nest, You have done really great with your needle felting :) Ohhh, and at least your DH gives you opinions, all mine ever says is "that's nice".....
Love your swap gifts, and love the costumes your big kids are wearing. At least the young ones enjoy it. We had less kids this year too, only around 50 so we are stuck with all this chocolate... not good for me!
Oh Linda you are doing such wonderful work. I wish I could do the same. I love the birds and the flowers.
What beautiful inchies thanks for sharing the link.
Your birds are lovely !
And thanks for your comments about our swap .
xox Rini
Your felted birds are gorgeous LInda. I still havent played around with that type of felting yet (but those birds!!!! they are inspiring). Love the blue in his little nest.
Your gifts from Rini are wonderful. Just took a close look at those inchies - gorgeous and I love your scented stone in the bathroom.
Have a lovely weekend away.
Jacky xox
I love these birds. How long does it take to make one? That swap looks lovely too.
PS. Of COURSE it's a branch! ;)
what a fun post! I think you have the felted bird down perfectly! they are adorable!
I just love these birds.
So much great stuff in one post! I love, love, love those felted birds! They are so cute!!
Your birdies are really cute, Linda, and that contest piece is awesome! Hope you had a nice sunny weekend somewhere.
You did a great job on the birds - they look so cute. You got some lovely swap items too.
I love your latest birds Linda! And the inchies from Rini are lovely(and very very detailed).
I don't think the birdy's nest is small ... it's "bijou" innit? Way to go girl, these birds get better and better!
Your son and daughter look fabulous, they have both characters pegged, you got to eat all of that trick or treat candy yourselves then. We're not hearing as much about Amy Winehouse has stayed out of the news a wee bit of late ;)
Your felt birdies are precious, dh is too funny and surely sorry he misspoke LOL!
Rini does such lovely work, lucky you!
oh and I adore your twinchie...very inspiring!
I've been a bad blogger of late and haven't visited blogland but what a lot of great stuff you've added in my absence.
Apologies for not leaving comments on every post but suffice to say WOW WOW WOW - I am SO impressed and inspired with everything inspired. It's such a pleasure to view your blog. TFS
Linda I could tell straight away he was perched on a twig!! I love your inches as well, lucky you, AND lucky you too having Amy Winehouse and Johnny Dep in your family lol! :)carole
Love your birdies! They are sooo cute! Great work again!!
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