I rubbed at a magazine page (a Vera Wang perfume advert) and the ink began to wipe off and smear - I was left with a lovely smudgy effect with just the face and the word 'Princess' left showing (which I altered using a white gel pen) .
I then added a lovely piece of lace given to me by Jean (see post below)....plus some machine stitching, gemstones, coloured AppliGlue blobs and so on......
In case you can't read my writing, here's the poem http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/b-princess
(A 'godet jumlo' is an elaborately decorated, knee length dress from Kohistan.)

Three Winds
Dans l'orage vent
Mer et terre
Une danse merveilleuse
En la tempestad del mar enrolla
El mar y la tierra
Un baile maravilloso
In sea storm wind
Sea and earth
A wonderful dance.
Finally.....here's another magazine page that I attacked with the transfer solution. I think it was an advert for a caribbean island.Dans l'orage vent
Mer et terre
Une danse merveilleuse
En la tempestad del mar enrolla
El mar y la tierra
Un baile maravilloso
In sea storm wind
Sea and earth
A wonderful dance.
Ready for another poem I think............