I've had a go at the 'tuck under the flap' style plus I've done some other designs ..... but they aren't quite finished yet. Audrey has some lovely examples on her blog and suggests using the Stampington template here.
Well here I am again - this time with a cup of gorgeous orange, mango and cinnamon tea (definitely not dishwater!) in my M&S 'berries and leaves' cup. Not sure why the tea is red (shouldn't it be orange?) Anyway..... I'm sitting here with a TENS machine on my back; I've been working at the Beetroot Tree Gallery all day and now I am suffering with terrible back pain. It was a very busy day because there were events all over the holiday weekend at the gallery ...... which meant there was a lot of tidying up to do today! I must be getting too old for that kind of thing......
Poor you - I do hope your back is more comfortable by now. Your match book is so sweet - so much work in such a small item. I am going to take a look at the links you have put on your post - thanks.
Lovely matchbook Linda, I was inspired by Audrey's blog post too and must check out Joanne's!
I just had to look up what a TENS machine was....quite amazing sounding device. I'd never heard of this before and definitely have a back that might benefit from it. Thank you for raising my awareness.
Happy Tea Tuesday :) Hope you're feeling much better very soon!
What a lovely match book. I shall look at the links soon.
Hope your back is better now.
thanks for linking my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it. I love your book.
oo hope you're better soon! your cup is lovely! your matchbook is "striking" HA!
Lovely matchbook !!
Hope you are feeling better already.
Do take care.
Oh dear, I hope your back is feeling better.
Your matchbook is wicked cool! I am going to star this post so I can go through the links you posted this weekend.
Hope your back feels better tomorrow, Linda! Your matchbook is very cute.
Wow Linda your matchbook is so lovely and fabulous. Stunning design. Love them my friend.
Beautiful matchbook!
Fabulous cup of tea (and photo)!
Sorry to hear about your back ... I have back trouble too - stretches have helped me tremendously - I guess as I'm getting older, the muscles are getting tighter - oh well!
p.s. your pkge should arrive soon - it was sent on Saturday :)
Totally amazing work as usual Linda. I am just trying to catch up with everyone and popped in to see what you have been working on and as ever i was not disappointed. This is truly inspirational.
I hope you feel better soon my friend. take very good care
HugS June xxx
The matchbooks are lovely. I hope you had a good day at The Beetroot Tree despite your aches and pains and that you are starting to feel better.
Hi Linda, I know what you mean, where does the time go to? I am so behind on visiting my friends I am almost relieved you havn't posted in a week LOL.
I love what you did with a matchbook, I can't believe how much detail you added to such a small space, but then you are so good with anything you do, keep it up and rest your back ok? I know how you feel I have been gardening a bit too much and feeling the pain :)
Matchbox idea's great - of course I'd never thought of the matchbook which used to be quite common when I was a kid (OK I know, it was many moons ago).
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