.''.......make yourself a cuppa, post a picture of it on your blog with a little something to say about your day, and then link back to me (Kimmie). We'll all make the rounds to see what's up with our blogging buddies and take a pause for some friendship over a hot cuppa ...... ''
So, here's my tea - it contains lemon, limeflowers, milk thistle and lemon verbena. I think I may throw in a slice of lemon as well to give it some flavour.
I do try to like fruit and herbal teas....but many of them just taste like dishwater to me. (Not that I've ever drunk dishwater...)
As for today - well, I helped my daughter move back home. Not something either of us really want, although we love each other very much (she liked having her independence, I liked having a tidy house and a guest room), but she was made redundant a few weeks ago and is struggling to find another job. Living away from home is not an option for her until she does.
We both hope she finds a job very soon........