I'm going to give it away as part of the One World One Heart event.
I've managed to make an arch for the Gothic Arch Challenge - the theme this month is New Year. At the bottom it says ..... have the courage to make a difference.
This is a collage project I've just started - its not finished yet. You may have spotted the tree making another appearance! Its from one of the napkins sent to me by my friend Jacky in Australia.
And finally.... some of my blogging friends have been discussing having a 'meaningful word' for 2009. Well I have decided to have two.....
My first is RELEASE. There are many reasons why I need to keep this word in mind but I won't bore you with all the details.
My second word is SMILE. I haven't had a lot to smile about just recently but I'm going to do it a lot more often from now on! Smiling not only makes me feel better inside - I know it makes me look better as well - I have that kind of face.
Two years ago I found this rock on a beach in Corfu .... this is exactly how I found it, it has not been altered in any way. I think its trying to tell me something .........
Its going to sit on the shelf facing me in my craft room this year. Just in case I need reminding.
Happy New Year everyone. Hope its a good one......
I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season. I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I...