Going back to DD - I've bought her a box of make up for Christmas from ASOS. Its in the most gorgeous box with lots of little pull-out drawers. When you open it it plays music and there's a little twirling dancer inside! You may be thinking how old is she.....(she's 25 - but it's ok because she asked if she could have it.) Isn't it cute?
I had a horrible day yesterday......certain things were getting to me and I felt like I was sinking into a depression; I couldn't do any artwork or settle to anything. But thankfully today is better.....I've got carols playing in the background, I've wrapped most of the presents and tonight I'm going out with DH for a pizza, then a film (Quantum of Solace). I'm trying to be positive and thankful for everything good in my life. Why do we let Christmas get us down? Its supposed to be joyful, which is where I came in...........
Merry Christmas Everyone!
(This is my conservatory. Sorry it's a bit blurry but you have to hold the camera really still when it's dark and I'd probably had a couple of Chardonnays.....................)
Linda your tag is absolutely stunning. Hope today was a better day and it will get better every minute.Your conservatory looks very cosy. Have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones.
the christmas tree is beautiful...i have been a bah humbug this year and didn't decorate
i might resind this decision.
the tag is as lovely as the name...and i LOVE this box!
merry christmas!!
Lind what a truly amazing Tag. Unbelievabe work again.
I wish you a wonderful christmas my friend.
Looks fabulos,Linda!
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Hi Londa,
The tag is stunning , they have all been lovely but this one is personal when you will be using it for your daughter.
My daughter used to have a jewellry box with a ballerina in it like the one you mentioned, they are so sweet.
Your tree looks amazing in the conservatory, how beautiful. Looks like you have a big garden to look out onto, how wonderful.
Hope you enjoyed your chardonay , you deserve a little relaxing you have had so much on your plate.
I wish you a merry christmas and a peaceful new year , have a nice holiday with your family, All the best , Jaqi xx
oops sorry , im not drunk already i meant to type Linda.....not Londa.....silly me , Jaqi x
That's beautifully inventive work my friend - I would NEVER have thought of cutting fabric with a soldering iron (but I'm getting one for Christmas!!). You are so right about the JOY, even if the best we can manage is simply to give joyful thanks for the good things in the middle of a bad time ....
Much love
That tag is beautiful. I think its quite easy to get depressed at christmas becasue the hype is perfection/happy families/smiling turkey cooking housewives....not always an accurate description of real life.
Looking over your recent threads (again - yes, I will catch up one day) some more inspiring work and I LOVE those leaves and how you've crozzled the edges with the iron, it makes them look so real.
Have a lovely Christmas, I will catch up with you after 'the event'!
Your conservatory is twinkling Linda! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo with us all.
Joy is one of my favourite words too so I loooove your latest tags. I have enjoyed seeing all of the tags you are creating and checking out Tim Holtz's blog too (very inspirational and informative).
The music box for your daughter is very special!
Another stunning tag! Don't you just love Christmas carols - I love going into the shops coming out humming them :-) Can't wait to get out all my Chrissy CD's. Have a wonderful Christmas!
OMG I just love your Christmas tree Linda and all of the wonderful things you have been creating!! Don't think I would've dared let myself loose with a soldering iron but I just think it's fab the way you aren't scared to experiment and you are so inventive. Such clever ideas you always come up with... not to mention amazing creations to boot :D
I'm so sorry to hear you've been feeling down... I hope that you feel better as Christmas approaches...it really is a stressful time the lead up to it. Hope you can find some relaxing time and that your mojo comes back big time after you've had some me time.
Take care of you
Chris xx
Such a lovely box for your DD and I can just imagine the twirling ballerina Linda, your lovely tag will be the frosting on the cake! (organza and a soldering iron who knew!!!) Lovely photos!
Christmas is a lovely time, but it is charged with emotion. I hope you are doing better! I go up and down and this year just did not have the spirit I've mustered in the past years. I am telling myself everything is as it should be and I too have things to be grateful for....my chardonnay glass is half full ;) Sending you and yours every good and special wish. I am SO very happy that we have connected here in blogland Linda and look forward to the new year full of fun, inspiration, sharing and caring. Brightest of Blessings Always oxoxoo
What a lovely post! I love how you created the little leaves for the wreath. Very clever! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you too. I giggled over the "too many chardonnays"... I have done that one before!
All the best,
Your tag is gorgeous Linda. And I love how you created the leaves.
Your Christmas tree is so beautiful (and I think Chardonnay always adds to the photographic experience!).
I am so sorry to hear you have had a hard time of it lately. This time of year adds pressure to everything too. And I know you have a lot to deal with.
Sending much love and comfort to you.You are always in my thoughts my friend.
Dot xx
P.S Joy is one of my favorite words too!
Hi, Linda! I would have never thought to take a soldering iron to fabric, to cut out leaves. Very inventive! The tag is gorgeous, too! Wishing you and yours a prosperous New Year! :-)
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