Thursday, 30 October 2008


Rosie and I have altered a couple of old box files for our challenge this week
I'm using mine to keep all my grungeboard and chipboard inside. If you've not used grungeboard before, you might want to see Tim Holtz demonstrating how to use it here: Its very clever stuff but smells oddly like leather! Karen at Scrapz was kind enough to give Rosie and I some to use and I liked it so much I went on her website and bought some more!
Of course you can use chipboard for the challenge if you prefer.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Wood Block

The Suziblu workshop has finished and I'm now trying to find new ways of using what I've learned.
DH has made me a load of woodblocks of different sizes and I'm going to use them for painting on. They are mainly ATC sized but this one is even smaller; 8cm x 4cm. I like the idea that I can use the sides and the back as well. I used acrylics, lace, paper napkin flowers, torn text and gold leaf. Hope you like it - because I LOVED making it! I'm off to start another one........

Friday, 24 October 2008

3D House Challenge

On our challenge blog Rosie is challenging you all to make houses from boxes. Recycling at its best!! Here's mine - I chose a drinks carton because I liked the tall shape of it.
First I sanded it... then applied gesso (gorgeous stuff!) I painted it a few times and stuck bits on and added a roof.
I used my Invoke shrine stamps to create windows and a door then added more paint, Byzantia bits from Stewart Gill, chipboard, Treasure Gold wax and finally beeswax.

At the bottom you can see some details - don't you just love painted lace? I do!!!

Oh yes...I also added one of my little angels!!!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Little Angels

I found two little angels in my button box the other day - don't know where they came from, but they're rather cute and I would like more of them! So.....I decided to do something I've been meaning to try for ages....making moulds.

Here are the buttons......

I pressed one into Fimo and baked it.....

I pressed Paperclay into the mould and when it was part-dry I cut around and neatened it.

I'm now trying out different metallic paint and wax techniques.

I'm heading towards my 12,000th visitor so its time I did some give-aways! I will do some artwork using these and give them away along with some angels (painted and unpainted) for you to use yourself. Might be useful for Christmas decorations!

More details next week.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Thank You Rosie!

My lovely friend Rosie made me this gorgeous little book to cheer me up because I've been going through some difficult times just lately.

Isn't it just perfect? I love it.

Especially these 2 pages!!

And More Stuff!

I went along to another craft session at the Beetroot Tree Gallery this morning. We made 'papers' using silk and bamboo fibres, linen threads, angelina fibres, hemp and other bits and pieces. It was an interesting technique using J-cloths, water, decorators varnish or PVA watered down and a metal spoon to burnish. My pieces are still wet and look like this.... .....

tomorrow when they are dry I'll peel them off the cloths. They should look a lot better!!
The next step is to add little pieces of metal (bonded on with fuseFX) and some hand or machine embroidery. (You're probably thinking what a mess and who can blame you, lol !!!! Hopefully tomorrow they will be transformed!)
If you like working with metal here's a tip I got today........angelina fibres can be bonded onto metal if you use bondaweb in between. It looks very effective. I took a small piece to show you, unfortunately the photo doesn't show the irridescent effect very well.
Can't wait to have a go at this myself.

I started a new painting on wood yesterday - I'm being brave and showing the first sketch. I'm trying to put a bit of movement into my work. I must try a different colour scheme as well for this one...maybe pink?

This is my latest Soul Journal page. I used pictures and letters cut out from magazines. They are pages I started in Sarah's workshop - you can just about see the silhouette of a face on each page (we cut out images from a magazine and stencilled around the edge).

And finally........I got caught up in Rosie's enthusiasm for a Distress Inks technique that Dan demonstrated on his blog - so I thought I'd have a go and make a tag. Its all about blending the inks and then splattering with water to create the mottled effect. All good fun!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


I haven't got a new project to show you at the moment - hopefully that will come later in the week. So I thought I'd show you some other things....

This is the gorgeous new wallpaper we have in our bedroom! Its totally different from the rest of the house and not 'typically me' at all. But I like it......

The embroidery on the skirt of a fabulous 'cocktail' dress I bought last week. It was reduced in a sale from £100 to £25 - ooooh I do like a bargain! Now I'm all ready for the Christmas parties....
A page in my journal ready for pictures and words. I got the technique from Jean at It was lovely, messy fun, thank you Jean.
An ATC I made a while ago for a swap at Chriss's ( ) I used alcohol inks on part glossy wrapping paper, a picture from Piddix (etsy) and angelina fibres. Close ups of the can I altered for our challenge on
I used gesso, tissue paper, stamps, acrylic paints, stencils and embellishments.

The quote says adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.
An excellent book I'm reading at the moment.
Some letter doodling I did after reading this rest of Kimmie's blog is well worth looking at, too, she makes fabulous artwork. Have you seen her altered can yet? Its amazing!
This was my altered envelope in Chriss's competition last week. I may actually use it! The bouquet was cut from a magazine, the other flowers were torn from paper napkins and applied with gel medium.
And finally.......a sneak preview of something I'm making for the next challenge at The wobbly machine stitching is deliberate. Honestly. Hopefully see you there on Friday!!

Love Linda x

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Suzi Blu Workshop - Roisin

Well I've finished my 4th painting...she's waxed and polished.

I've called her Roisin; I found out the name is pronounced Ro-sheen when we had a delightful student with that name in the Foundation Unit where I taught.

Its an Irish name meaning Little Rose.

I'm happy with her face now. She looks a bit ghostly in this picture - but in real life her complexion is a warmer colour.

Monday, 6 October 2008

I've been tagged....

I've been tagged by one of my Soul Journal friends, Connie at Her facts are very interesting and are all about journalling.

So here are 5 random facts about me...
1. I once collided with Adam Faith outside Harrods.
2. I can't eat eggs because of those squiggly jelly things in the white part.
3. I stood on the glass floor at the top of the CN Tower, Toronto.
4. My aim is to be living by the sea in 5 years time. Preferably on a Greek island.
5. Although I have normal-sized hands, I haven't yet met anyone with a bigger handspan than me (men included).

Now I want to find out some things about you........

Just so there are pictures with this post, here's my latest painting - but its not finished yet.
As you can see I'm having problems with the eyes!!

Love Linda

PS Thanks to the lovely Sue at for this award. She's a fellow Soul Journaller....and she says such lovely things!

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Cookie Sunshine is giving away one of her lovely illustrations in order to focus attention on Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
If you want to be eligible for the draw click on the picture and it will take you to her blog.

Also, please click here....

(Thanks for the link Jaqi.)

Friday, 3 October 2008

Yearbook Yourself!

I found this link on Sesga's and Chris's blogs (go and see their pictures!)
You downoad a photo of yourself and it puts different hairstyles onto you from the 50s up to present day. Its hilarious.
Some work better than others - but here are my favourites......

Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness

I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season. I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I...