Sunday, 1 June 2014

Be Still..... Day 3

This week in Kim's class we are thinking about creating our own individual style. This is a tricky one for me as I'm going through a period of transition at the moment......moving away  from my much-loved brighter colours and trying to achieve a more subtle, softer kind of art.
I think I may also moving away from textile art.
Whether this is permanent or not, of course, remains to be seen.... ;-)
So, I'm learning to love shades of white.....cream.....and grey. But there will always be a little purple and green in there. And maybe blue. (Probably not much yellow, orange or red though).
I'm also trying out a new art form involving collage, still life and photography. I still want to make grungy background papers....I also would like to add a few stitches here and there......and I want to use natural materials (apart from garden resources I have a huge collection of pebbles, driftwood, shells, seedheads, pressed flowers etc)
So, a work in progress.......

Back to my photo.
Kim gave us three prompts; round, white and minimalist.
I've kind of achieved the first two......but minimalist will always be hard for me!
I used a number of Kim's textures including 'magicscratches' which is one of my favourites and the text is from 'kkbeyond affirmations'.

For all those of you out there who (like me) need a confidence boost from time to time....... you are already amazing.
Thank you Kim.


Emma said...

Catching up on your last couple of posts, beautiful images & wonderful sentiments. The best thing about mixed media is the variety, of course, jumping from stitch to paint or soft to bright. Lovely.

Nina said...

Beautiful and so peaceful, Linda! Such a harmony!

Denise Fabian said...

Ever so lovely!

Sandies' Patch said...

Love it!
Isn't that what artists are always doing, Evolving?
If you'd never been given that lovely camera, you probably wouldn't be at this stage yet, who knows?
Keep evolving gal!

~*~Patty S said...

YOU my dear Linda ARE amazing and fabulous!
Thank you for being you and for always being such an inspiration...
it is pure delight seeing what you are creating...
life is all about change isn't it...
Happy June Dear One ~♥~

Heather said...

Another lovely image - so serene and soothing. It's always a bit daunting when you feel a change coming on, but trust in your own judgement and go with it.

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

So so pretty Linda I love your style and admire your skill with textiles...

Jessica said...

I really like the beads encircling the plate and the lovely soft palette. just a beautiful and calming picture.

I like the idea of collage with photos and natural elements -- I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Such a lovely blog.

By the by, my maiden name is Vincent : )

Julie said...

There is always room and time to step back and reconsider where our art is taking us and I am sure wherever yours takes you, your work will continue to be beautiful and inspiring. Enjoy yourself :-) xxx

jacqueline said...

These photos are very calm and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

No, YOU are amazing. xox

Maggi said...

This is a beautiful composition and, although more subtle in its colours, it definitely shows your hand in it. The purple and green have become synonymous with your work and whatever medium you choose to work in, they work so well against the gentle neutral background.

Whichever way your work goes it will always be beautiful.

Zoe Louise Hooley said...

I love that you are experimenting with softer, more muted tones, it will be a wonderful adventure for you! and the work you've created so far is sp lovely, really calming. Thamk you so much for all your lovely comments on my blog :) its been so exciting for me to log on and actually have comments waiting for me! Lovely to see you the other day too x

Unknown said...

You have truly done this one justice - it's minimalist yet still fits your style. It's absolutely gorgeous!

Jan said...

You absolutely achieved your goal of round, white, minimalist. Beautiful. It looks like something that would be in a magazine full of lovely things.

Shanna said...

No words...beautiful is over used but so true...lovely emotion

Lynn said...

This is a beautiful composition and light Linda, so soft and dreamy :)
I too am going through a transition, it happens every so often and I feel its good for us to venture into newer and fresher pastures, its good for the soul. Glad to see you are embracing this new stage in your life :)

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh I love the way you got the bright and the soft working together. You are an awesome artist and will make whatever you lay hands on beautiful. I look forward to seeing your new direction

Anonymous said...

That's lovely, so peaceful and I really need it at the moment!!

Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness

I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season. I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I...