Quite a few of you have asked if I would show a tutorial on making Lotus Flower Books. I'm not up to making videos yet so I hope step-by-step instructions are ok for you. (Thanks to
Alysn at the Beetroot Tree for giving me the 'ok' to do this.)
You will need: 4 squares of paper 10cms x 10cms
2 squares of thick card 5.25cms x 5.25cms
2 squares of paper (for covers) 7cms x 7cms
fibre or ribbon, glue
1. Make a horizontal, vertical and
one diagonal fold on each of the 4 larger squares of paper.
2. Push the diagonal folds in so that the paper folds into a smaller square.
3. With the folded corners in the same orientation, glue 2 squares together.
4. Continue with the remaining squares.
5. Cover each piece of thick card with the 7 cm square cover papers. Trim the corners.
6. Glue one cover onto the top of the folded papers.
7. Place the ribbon or fibre over the inside of the second cover, tape it down, then glue to the back of the folded pages.
This can be as long as you like, depending upon how many times you want to wrap it round the book!
Decorate your cover and tie the ribbon (or fibre).
I hope that explains it ok for you! If there are any parts that are confusing, please let me know so I can do some editing.
Please link back to me if you decide to have a go.....and show me what you come up with.
Of course you can adapt the sizes if you wish; I have made them in all different sizes but the one above is the cutest!