Monday, 1 September 2008

Tyvek and Suzi Workshop

I went to the Beetroot Tree gallery today and bought some of this:It feels like a cross between paper and plastic.

I cut out some pieces, snipped them round the edges, painted them with Lumiere paint and LuminArte powders......

...then put them between 2 pieces of baking parchment and pressed with an iron.
It shrivels in a bubbly kind of way.

I really like the results - its such an interesting texture. Next step...stitching and beading.

In my Suzi Blu workshop we have been learning how to shade with pencil crayons - here's my latest attempt. I think there are signs of improvement!!

(In answer to Judy's question in comments box - you're right, Tyvek is used for all sorts of things, see )


Judy S. said...

Hi Linda, Is that Tyvex stuff the same thing used for building houses? You're right, it makes for very interesting textures whatever it is!

I recently saw a demo where colored pencils were used on cloth to color images outlined with pigma pens. Then a special sponge was used to wet the colored area and made it look like water color...quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda - not that long ago I saw a tutorial in blogland about Tyvek - and for the life of me can't remember where - lol - but the creations were beautiful. Don't forget to post the next step!
Signs of improvement on your girl is an understatement ....

Shashi Nayagam said...

Lovely. You are getting better and better.

Jacky said...

I havent tried tyvek yet, but have heard a bit about it...thanks for sharing your tyvek adventures with us all.
Your Suzi Blu faces are looking fab! Your faces are beautiful. I'm a little behind you, but may catch up a bit on the weekend. Having lots of fun!

Jaqi said...

I havent heard of tyvek at all, You new Suzi Blu face is so sweet, you are getting better although I knew you would......Youe were born to be an artist i think, Well done an inspiration as always, Jaqi x

Sandy..... said...

I love your Suzi Blu face, expecially the flowers in her hair! I think that is my favorite part, although her face is pertee, too!

Rosie said...

Oooo thanks - there are some Tyvek ideas for me to try there!! Your Suzi Blu face is very sweet, I hope you're delighted with your progress?

Fantastic Figments said...

WOW congrats oh your path to perfection or should I say in art finding inperfection perfect! You shading is great and your eyes and wonderfly expressive. Keep up the great work.


Anonymous said...

Wow love that painting.

(BTW if anyone's husband/partner has disposable boiler suits some of them are made of Tyvek - you could 'recycle' them!)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Art, Work You are so talented Linda ,I bet you are really proud of yourself I know I would be .
Enjoy your Holiday you lucky lady .I will look forward to seeing what you do in your beautiful travel Journal .
Take care love from sesga xx

Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness

I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season. I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I...